Kiwicon is brought to you on the sweat of a thousand hackers brows, slaving for man-months to crack, code, trashtalk and tweet. However, when we need something more tangible, something more fiduciary, we turn to our sponsors, who have generously endowed us with cash, goods and non-creepy favours. We heartily endorse their product and/or service, and have subscribed to their newsletter. We encourage you to consider them when procuring newsletters yourself.

Fat Cash

(thanks chums! No, rly, InternetNZ have supported Kiwicon since the beginning, and their generous and continuing support makes the con happen.)

nz Registry Services

Catalyst IT 

Huntsman Security Technologies – a Tier-3 company

Aura Information Security

New Zealand Post



Insomnia Security


Lateral Security

Girl Geek Dinner Sponsorship

nz Registry Services, InternetNZ

VIP Party

Shadowy Underground Hacker Crue "The Sons of Southern Darkness & Ladies Auxillary"

Duo and Check Point

Tubular Engineering


Student Brains Trust

Cirrus Dynamics


Training Rooms

Catalyst IT, Bank of New Zealand, Internet NZ, Aura Information Security, Lateral Security, Assurity

Beer Engineering

Rauc, Panhead

Ze Germanic Sausage

Chris Ramsthaler & friends