Kiwicon is run entirely by volunteers, and we need plenty of help on the day. If you'd like to help us out, that'd be great! Volunteering doesn't get you in for free, but it does get you props, kudos, and a warm fuzzy feeling (such as beer).

The form below has a number of areas you can volunteer to help with. If you select one of the General Duties options, you'll be rostered on for part of the time (it won't be the whole afternoon or morning or whatever, unless that's what you want). There's an "early pack-in" option, which'd require you to show up at the venue at some god-awful hour (think, 5am) to help us set things up; if you're a real trooper, then this is the option for you. 

Ad is Volunteer Wrangler, and will get back to you to arrange specifics.

There will be volunteer briefing sessions; one lunchtime Wednesday at Meow, and before the con starts on Thursday and Friday. If you're volunteering, please make it to one of those. If you can't, please let us know ASAP.

We usually get many more volunteers than we need (having more than the optimal amount can make things harder to organise) so please don't be offended if we decline your generous offer.